Arrow Canyon is part of the Pahranagat Wash, located in southern Nevada. Outside the entrance to the slot canyon, there are many fossils (sea sponges, coral, etc.) Closer to the entrance of the slot canyon are several densely packed petroglyph panels, with all different kinds of designs. These petroglyphs are thought to be thousands of years old (I’ve read estimates anywhere from 4,000 – 8,000 years old). Within the canyon itself, the walls are hundreds of feet high and they narrow dramatically, to as close as 10′ between the walls. There are occasional petroglyphs sprinkled throughout inside the slot canyon. There’s also some of the oldest graffiti in the Old West, with names and dates from the 1870’s (this must be some of the earliest non-Native Americans to have come through this area). The northern end of the canyon ends at an old dam, on the other side of the dam is War Shield Canyon.
Please click the images below – please note the three videos below the pictures:
Note – The “clicking” sound in the two driving videos are my keys bouncing off the steering column
I was just there. Did you come in from the south? I came in from the north and went no further than the dam. No petroglyphs before that, just some vertical scratches and a stone chamber. Also, some wild squash.