The official name of this trail is simply the Mud Wash Trail, branching right off the Mud Wash in Gold Butte. I added “Lollipop” to it, due to the nickname of the petroglyphs that reside in the red aztec sandstone outcroppings. The trail used to be open to off-road traffic, but has since been closed off and is now only accessible on foot. The main trail is about 3/4 mile long, then fades out and you’re off on your own. The dunes in this area are amazing, due to the color and fineness of the sand. The sand is so fine that when the wind blows, it sticks to you like flour. Parts of the dunes are VERY deep, too. Like so many other places located throughout Gold Butte, the rock structures have many wind-cared hoodoos & keyholes to explore. You never know what kind of ancient rock art you’ll come across.
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