The Ninety Nine Mine is located in the Goodsprings, NV area. It started operations in the 1890’s, mining for gold, silver, copper and zinc. This mine is probably most famous for being the base camp in the recovery effort of those who lost their lives on TWA flight 3. In 1942, TWA 3 was flying from Los Angeles to Las Vegas and crashed into Mt. Potosi. All 19 people on board were killed. Carole Lombard was one of the passengers. She was one of the biggest starlets of her day, not only famous for her own career, but also as being the wife of Clark Gable. The recovery effort took days, as this is still a very difficult place to get to, even in modern times. Remnants of the crash, including human remains, still exist at the crash site. The small, local bar in Goodsprings has an area dedicated to the crash, where Clark Gable hung out for days, waiting for the recovery of the remains of his wife.
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When were these photos taken? I took photos today and there’s some decay, I’d be interested to know the timeline. And happy to share my pics!