In the Black Mountain Wilderness Area are some stone ruins from what is considered the first stagecoach stop in the Black Canyon area. These ruins are estimated to be from the 1870’s. There’s not much left, but it’s thought this stop probably had thatched walls and roof. Very close by is a spring source, along with the ancient petroglyphs, mining locations and one of the four known “A. Tillman” signatures.
Please click the images below:
The rock formation shown is not the site of the Panamint Stagecoach Stop. The stagecoach stop is a rock and mortar, fresh water cistern, about 12 feet long and 3 feet deep. The concrete remnants of the well that supplied the fresh water is located just a few feet away. The stagecoach cistern is located on the NW side of Black Mountain, just a short distance before you reach Scout’s Cove. It is about 1 mile SE of the intersection of Black Canyon and Opal Canyon Roads. I can send a GPS marker if you like. I’ve ridden past this location many times on my way out to our property in the Surprise Valley.
Hope this helps!!!
Hi Robert,
Thanks for the comments. I got the location for this particular site from one of Bill Mann’s guides. Is the site you’re talking about this one: https://www.talesfromthedesert.com/?portfolio=tillman-signature-site. The rock & mortar structure match your description (and the location, too).