U2’s The Joshua Tree album is one of the most loved and iconic albums of all-time. The music has stood the test of time, just as powerful today as it was over 30 years ago. The album has sold well over 25M copies world-wide, making it one of the best-selling albums ever, regardless of genre. For the record’s visuals, the band wanted to capture the record’s “imagery, and cinematic location” of the American desert. They enlisted their photographer to scout locations that could bring this imagery to life. Anton Corbijn spent a week traveling the Mojave Desert, looking for the perfect location. Over several days in late 1986, the band and Anton traveled the American Southwest in a bus, staying in small hotels along the way. They started in Reno, NV and went through Bodie, Twentynine Palms and all around (and in) Death Valley. Corbjin was struck by the Joshua Trees and told the band of the story of the trees name. Bono liked the origin of the tree’s name and its religious significance (early settlers named the plant after the Old Testament prophet Joshua, as the tree’s stretching branches reminded them of Joshua raising his hands in prayer). The rest is history.
Today, the tree has fallen, giving away to old age. But, people still trek to it from all over the world, leaving their personal messages, photographs, plaques, etc. The location is not “officially” marked by any road sign, parking spot or trail, you have to do your detective work beforehand to find it (hint: it’s not located in, or near, Joshua Tree National Park). It’s literally out in the middle of nowhere. What I found inspiring is the respect for the memorabilia that all have shown for those who have come before them. I also found it amazing the amount of international travelers that have come to this location…another testament to what these songs have meant to so many people. There are pieces of memorabilia that are dated and obviously quite old, but still in their original condition and location. So, if you go, please respect everything that has already been left by others.
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Really cool site! I visited the Joshua Tree in July of 2017 and placed the sign with the green U2 and Joshua Tree stickers. An amazing day to say the least!