The terrain in this area is comprised of never-ending undulating hills, surrounded by large scraggly mountains. As I was hiking, I came across a spot of land that seemed very level, almost too level. As I started looking around some more, it became obvious that this area had been worked by man: very level ground, all large rocks removed, etc. Whenever it was done, it appeared to be a looooooooong time ago. As I was looking for more signs I noticed a very old vertical wooden post. This post was purposely placed in the ground. But, it’s so old that it’s almost completely weathered away.
My research came up empty and I wasn’t able to find anything about this location. I’m just speculating, but my best guess is that this was an old camp from someone prospecting many, many years ago. This is in the heart of old Mojave Desert mining & prospecting country, where there are tens-of-thousands of mines, ghost towns, adits, etc. The old, weathered wooden post could be what’s left of an old mining claim, fence, etc.
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